
Chris Hope

I have been competing in entry level firefighter oral interviews for the past couple of years. I was averaging on each interview anywhere between the upper 80's to 90's, that was placing me in the top twenty on several different departments list. We all know that the top twenty is good, but not good enough to get on the job. Then I found out about FD Promotion Prep and I gave them a call. Bill Stacy, Bill Johnson, Ron Pisani, and their other highly qualified associates took their valuable time to coach me for several hours over a couple of weeks just prior to another oral interview. When sitting with these gentlemen it was amazing how unprepared I actually was. After I completed several coaching sessions with them, they along with myself thought I was well enough prepared to tackle my next interview.

After interviewing with a department a few days later I found out I scored a 97, which enabled me to move onto the Chief's Oral Interview. I interview with the Chief of the department two weeks after the first interview, mean while reviewing my key concepts Fire Promotional Prep had taught me. The day after my Chief's Interview I was shocked with a phone call from the Chief's Office offering me conditional employment.

I would highly recommend FD Promotion Prep and their highly trained professionals. I owe a great thanks to Promotional Prep and their staff!